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Chrysallida indistincta (Brazier, 1894)

Description: Shell small, moderately wide, spire convex in outline, up to 4½ teleoconch whorls, last whorl more than ½ total shell length. Protoconch infolded, type C. Whorls rounded, smooth apart from irregular axial growth lines, suture distinct. Aperture wide with a weak columella plait; outer lip sinuous in profile. Shell colourless transparent becoming opaque white with age.

Size: Up to 3 mm in length.

Distribution: Known from Angourie, NSW, southwards to Ulladulla, NSW, but this probably reflects the extent of collecting rather than the real distribution.

Habitat: Empty shells are common in beach washup. Laseron (1951, p. 306) said "we found it alive abundantly in Galeolaria tubes between tide marks in North Harbour, Port Jackson. It is abundant also at Angowrie [Angourie], just south of the Clarence River".

Synonymy: Elodiamea gunnamatta Laseron, 1951 is a previously recognised synonym.

Fig. 1: Off Chinamans Beach, Middle Harbour, Sydney (C.342539)


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